Tailwind css generates very big files by default. With simple changes in tailwind.config.js
we can make tailwind remove all the unused css classes and utilities.
On Tailwind css configuration
Tailwindcss has a lot of options to be configured. Enough to be confusing. If configured improperly, it can generate very big sizes — almost 4MB — so the wrong config can be pretty bad.
Let's go through a simple setup to avoid this problem and make sure the file sizes are not excessively big.
Install Nodejs >= v11 (if not already in the system)
# we are using Ubuntu
sudo apt-get update
# add nodesource, we need at least nodejs v11
sudo apt-get install curl
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs
Check the version
node -v
Welcome to Node.js v14.17.1.
Installing Tailwind and Postcss
Tailwind uses postcss
, so we will need to install it, in addition to tailwindcss
and any plugins we are using.
For now feel free to not install the plugins until you need them. If you use a component that requires a plugin, the compilation step will break and give you a message of which plugin you are missing.
mkdir myproject
cd myproject
npm init
# tailwind and postcss
npm install -D tailwindcss@latest postcss@latest autoprefixer@latest postcss-cli
# also install any tailwind plugins
npm install -D @tailwindcss/typography
npm install -D @tailwindcss/forms
The package.json
created by npm init
now has all the dependencies we installed listed. It will look similar to the one below.
# package.json
"name": "myproject",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"devDependencies": {
"autoprefixer": "^10.2.6",
"postcss": "^8.3.5",
"postcss-cli": "^8.3.1",
"tailwindcss": "^2.1.4"
We need to create one more configuration file, specifying which parts of tailwind we want to use.
For this, we create a tailwind.css
with the following contents.
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
The directives in this file will, on compilation, be replaced but the contents of the tailwindcss library.
The default config
We are ready to create a default tailwind.config.js
npx tailwindcss init
We get a file with these contents
// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
purge: [],
darkMode: false, // or 'media' or 'class'
theme: {
extend: {},
variants: {
extend: {},
plugins: [],
The default build
To build a version from tailwind css for our project we need to pass the path to tailwind.css, and an output file — here named tailwind-styles.css
It is this last file that we will include in our website.
NODE_ENV=production npx tailwindcss-cli@latest build tailwind.css -o tailwind-styles.css
We can see here the produced size (3.81MB!). Including a file this big could make our website very slow (and, in mobile connections, might quickly deplete our uses mobile data plan)
npx: installed 123 in 5.888s
tailwindcss 2.1.4
🚀 Building: tailwind.css
warn - Tailwind is not purging unused styles because no template paths have been provided.
warn - If you have manually configured PurgeCSS outside of Tailwind or are deliberately not removing unused styles, set `purge: false` in your Tailwind config file to silence this warning.
warn - https://tailwindcss.com/docs/controlling-file-size/#removing-unused-css
✅ Finished in 4.27 s
📦 Size: 3.81MB
💾 Saved to tailwind-styles.css
The solution: purge to reduce build size
Let's go back to the tailwind.config.js
. We will use the purge option to add our html
, js
files. We want to add any files where we are using tailwind css classes.
Tailwind example — in the documentation — asumes a src
folder, but you should customize. If you only use html
files on the root folder, for instance, './*.html'
might be a valid option.
// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
// Use one or more paths that works for your project
// example: '*.html'
purge: [
theme: {},
variants: {},
plugins: [],
Let's test it
We create a test html
file to test it
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href="tailwind-styles.css" rel="stylesheet" />
We use a tailwind class.
Only this will be included in the output.
The rest will be purged.
<div class="text-red-500">Hello Tailwind</div>
With our config
// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
purge: ['*.html'],
darkMode: false, // or 'media' or 'class'
theme: {
extend: {},
variants: {
extend: {},
plugins: [],
And we compile it with:
NODE_ENV=production npx tailwindcss-cli@latest build tailwind.css -o tailwind-styles.css
The result is a much more (10.86KB) compressed file, only including the utility classes we used.
npx: installed 123 in 6.252s
tailwindcss 2.1.4
🚀 Building: tailwind.css
✅ Finished in 3.44 s
📦 Size: 10.86KB
💾 Saved to tailwind-styles.css
we're gonna check how to to configure
css properly to avoid a common problem
and the problem is that a lot of times
as we will see
the build that the tailwind generates by
default is very big
so i'm going to show you step by step
how how to solve that
first we need to install uh node.js
and it needs to be a version higher than
because otherwise um there's some
problems later with
with post css so basically to do this
let's do these steps first we do an
update to make sure that we have the
repositories loaded okay then
i'm going to use curl and i have it
installed so i'm just going to install
curl to make
http requests
so that's going to install curl i say
okay and it's installing curl and now
we're going to use curl
um to download um
node.js so as you see here uh
it's coming from this node source so you
can check in node source they have
like each version of node.js to download
and in this case i'm installing the 14th
which is the uh
lts the long term support one at the
time of this video
and but anything higher than 11 would
work so i'm just gonna download this as
you see it is not very
secure but it's like the standard
to install this because we're piping
from here to to bash right so
just keep this in mind
then this is installing node.js and it
also includes npm
and this kind of other comments that
before were separate
so what this is doing is this is having
some of these reports right and then now
we can install
install node.js and then this node.js
package has everything as the npm has
everything npx
so we just install it we have to confirm
i think
no okay so we just installed it uh and
now uh
we can check it check it especially the
and if you already have note installed
you could just
go straight here to check the version is
version 14
so perfect we needed more than version
um let's let's go and install uh
tailwind so let's install tailwind
so uh first we create a project like
just a folder
for our project it's gonna be my project
we change directory into it okay and now
here we are
now we're gonna do an npm init to start
the package we set
all of the options by default
it's okay yes okay and then
and now we have a package right so if
you see here
you can see the contents of the package
and then here our dependencies will be
installed in this package so
this is like the documentation and also
to to install any dependencies it will
use this package
so with this we can use the npm install
and then this is to save the
dependencies it's like a short version
and then here we can use a few different
ones so basically at the very least we
need this
so that's tailwind css latest
pos css which is what's used to compile
the library auto prefixer to also deal
with some browser prefix and the pos css
command line interface right so we can
just install this
it's gonna take a bit uh and um in the
meantime also
uh if you are using any plugins like for
instance the typography plugins
if using the typography plugins or the
forms plugins
you can just go with the same syntax
and install it so for instance let's say
it's not necessary like if you don't
install it and you're using some of
these plugins it will blow up so you
will find out
but just for the completeness let me
add here a typography
tailwind css
it's actually the add sign
so this is the typography plugin you can
see this in the tailwind documentation
you can see all the packages okay so
this is the typography one
and then i'm gonna add also the forms
and these two i use um often okay so now
we have everything installed
um then we're gonna move on to the
tailwind css file
so basically one of the things that
tailwind asks us to do is to create a
file with the
components that we want now so it's just
a simple file
we can let me open
exactly so we're going to call it
tailwind css
and this file has uh i mean you will see
at least it has three these three lines
which is like
this tailwind directive directives
and it's the parts of terwin that we
want to include right so this will be
compiled using post css
to generate the the library file
so we will see here so basic space
and utilities here you could add at the
end your own
styles but for now we're going to keep
it simple so this is what the
recommendation of serving
tells us to do so
basically this file is going to be used
to compile the library right
so um we have this file
and now we need to run another command
and the command
is npx
then this as we can see here created
this file
tailwind config dot js right so if we
open this file
okay here it is
and actually as you can see i created
this in the wrong
is it inside there when css yeah
this is some old file i think
no it's correct um yeah so now we have
this file
tailwind right yes
tailwind config.js so here we have it in
the right side
and this basically tells derwent how to
compile this right
so we can leave it with the default
options uh there's a lot of different
options here we can use
but uh let's try and see how the default
build in in tailwind is
so to do this uh we need to run another
so the command is the following um
we're gonna write first to make sure
that this is like uh optimized we need
to pass like an environment variable
in this case it's not m production this
can have different values but exactly
ultimately for production right so we're
going to just try this one
and then we run this command using npx
tailwind css
and actually volunteer says command line
then this is running failure css
so all of this is like the program
and then the option is uh build
so we're building the one css build you
know basically
and then we need the previous file which
i named taylor and css
so this one this one here on the left
and we need an output file and this
output file
which we indicate with it is o flag uh
this is the one that we're gonna include
in our html
so this is i'm going to name this uh
taylorville styles
dot css you can name it however you want
but yeah this this seems okay then we
run this
and this will compile a version of
tailwind for us
to include so let's see what's the
result of that
okay so it seems uh the tailwind css
file is not in the grand folder right so
i created it in the
in the parent folder so just take it
from there
and we copy it here
and now here we can see that the file is
here it has your
yeah so now it should work so let's run
this command again
and now we will see the default build of
with the default options without doing
okay okay so let's see how
how big uh this this file is
so if we go here to my project this is
the generated file right
and we can see here there is four
megabytes so
this is massive like if we include this
in our website like uh
it will go slow maybe if it's mobile it
can even like finish like a
good chunk of uh of the mobile plan of
some of our users
so this is good it's not a critic of uh
there's a reason why this is like this
but uh just make sure
that you optimize it and now i'm gonna
show you how to optimize it before uh
putting it in production so to
illustrate this we're going to create a
a simple a simple html file we're going
to call it
index html and here we're going to
um write like a very simple uh wordpress
right html
then in the head we're gonna add a link
with our file which is this one they win
okay so this is including uh the build
file and then in the body we're just
gonna use one of the classes of taiwan
so in this case i'm just gonna use this
class that
makes the text red right right right of
the type 500
so this is a simple page that's using
tailwind which is
included and setting the text to red
so how are you gonna work so basically
this config file
has this purge option right so here we
need to pass
like an expression that will match the
source files
and then um the post css
will look into these files this one or
any anyone matching any other files
and it will see which class we're using
and it will only include those classes
that we're using so the end file will be
way way smaller
so here basically you can include
different expressions
the tailwind documentation shows this as
an example
so basically it's saying like
html.view.jsx if you're using react or
and it's assuming that it's in this
source folder right
so this you can customize to your needs
in my case
or in our case here this will be enough
because it's just matching all the html
files right
you could even work like this right
but uh let's do it like this and then
we'll see the difference of
how this affects the build so it's going
to try to match any htmls in the current
folder and it will match this class
so the end result should be practically
this class and maybe a bit more of
so let's try that
this is the command we just run it again
still is taking the turbulent css and
the the wind styles
okay there's some application warnings
depending on the version here you can
see already some nice emojis with a
weight and this but
in this version it's not there it seems
um but if we come here you can see the
difference right
so here is like 11 kilobytes so
before it was 4 000 right so this could
make a huge difference for your users
instead of
especially they're in a mobile
connection and it's also just a waste
you know to include four megabytes of
so um just be mindful of this
optimization because it can make a big
difference and then maybe you can take a
look also at the generated
file i'm not sure if
okay uh they win stats yeah so this
determinate file
uh so it's smaller than before but yeah
basically it's a lot smaller than before
uh and yeah yes um
yeah so i hope uh this is useful and you
can use it in your projects
and to stop shipping like uh these huge
huge files